Sunday 17 June 2012

Three weird English phrases

OK here are three British English phrases that Asian friends asked me about recently during conversation:

1. 'ACQUIRED TASTE'. This means that whatever the subject of the acquired taste is, it is a little unusual and not everybody will like it. It does not refer just to food. I guess the idea is that most people won't like it, but perhaps over time a few people will 'acquire' a liking for it.

- Natto is definitely an acquired taste! (A fact)
- Sarah's choice in music is an acquired taste. (This could sound a bit mean, if you are not saying it as a joke to somebody you know well!)

2. WAXING LYRICAL. If you are waxing lyrical about X, it means that you are praising X a lot, repeatedly - usually to a third party! It is not just for people, but can be used of things too. I think this comes from an older form of English.

- Dean is waxing lyrical about his new girlfriend.
- Joanna is waxing lyrical about the new computer programme.

3. POST-PRANDIAL SLUMP. OK this one is tricky even for British. It refers to the sleepiness you feel after eating a big meal. The post-prandial part comes from Latin meaning 'after a meal' and is used in other contexts too. Slump just means a time of low energy or activity.

- I am so sleepy! Must be suffering from a post-prandial slump.

Hope this helps! Will post up other phrases if and when they are queried! 

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